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Jessica Lymburner named new Executive Director

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

The Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce is excited to welcome Jessica Lymburner as their newest Executive Director. A lifelong resident of Haldimand, Jessica grew up just outside Hagersville; she graduated from Brock University and moved right back to the County.

Jessica is incredibly passionate about all things Environmental Sustainability and Governance and embraces connecting businesses and opportunities to bring success to all.

She comes to the Chamber from a circuitous route that took her from Business Development, Collaborative Partnerships, Financial Services, Leadership, Customer Service and Administration roles.

When not looking for innovative, creative business opportunities, Jess is usually caught with a book in her hands but f it’s not too hot, too cold, too windy, or rainy- she may also be out near her family's home in Dunnville running very, very slowly.

Acting President Gary Nelson says, “The Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce looks forward to working with Jessica as we move forward with a renewed energy and direction that will provide even more benefits to our community and its business owners.”

Jessica believes that success lies in cooperation and is very much looking forward to meeting our members over the coming months. She is eager to meet our Business and Community Members and can be reached via email at



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